Celtic Folktales from Wales was my first attempt at self-publishing and, to my surprise and delight, it got great reviews and quickly became an Amazon kindle #1 bestselling book. Click on the book cover image on the left if you are curious.
I have been telling these stories for many years and I am really pleased that people liked what I wrote. Since then I’ve wanted to do something meatier and finally looked the big hairy beast of story that lies behind Pig Boy in the eyes and got to it. The story is much bigger than your average folktale but it still has the intimate connection with landscape that folktales have as well as the magic, transformation and mystery. You can find out more about me here.
Click on one of the links below to buy a copy…
There is a cold world and a warm world. Which one do you want to live in?
This book is co -written with the Brazilian illustrator and visual artist Renata Bueno and is based on a Hebridean folktale. They know about the cold in the Hebrides and value the warmth whenever it comes. In Brazil sunshine is normal and they know how to enjoy it. Maybe we have something to learn from each other ?
Click here to order, but remember that the book is in Portuguese!
Publication Date October 20th 2023
Currently available direct from the publishers Cinnamon Press or Waterstones, Amazon UK & Coles Books
Reviews of Celtic Folktales from Wales amazon #1 Bestselling book
“I’ve just downloaded Michael Harvey’s new book of Celtic Folktales from Wales – and what a delicious collection it is. I devoured the whole thing in one sitting and still came away wanting more…This is first class storytelling for young and old – can’t recommend it highly enough. ”
Amazon Review Celtic Folktales from Wales – verified purchase
“Great book – the stories of Wales come to life as if Michael is beside you telling them. His qualities as a storyteller – warmth, wit and feeling for dramatic emphasis – leap from the page into the readers imagination. If you want an ear to the ground, this is the one to choose.”
— Amazon Review Celtic Folktales from Wales – verified purchase
“Wonderful, I love the way he combines traditional tales with descriptions of modern Wales. Well written too. ”
— Amazon Review Celtic Folktales from Wales – verified purchase
This is a lovely book to get lost in – It really conjures up a picture of mythic Wales in the landscapes and more recent history which come so vividly to life- You can almost smell it and touch it. The stories are a great selection of Welsh tales from myth to fairy tale.
— Amazon Review Celtic Folktales from Wales – verified purchase
Pig Boy will be available in bookshops from October.
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